Marketscale Studio Status - Studio update – Maintenance details

All systems operational

Studio update

Scheduled for May 31, 2024 at 8:32 AM – 10:28 AM



Under maintenance from 8:32 AM to 10:28 AM


Under maintenance from 8:32 AM to 10:28 AM


Under maintenance from 8:32 AM to 10:28 AM


Under maintenance from 8:32 AM to 10:28 AM

Editing Queue

Under maintenance from 8:32 AM to 10:28 AM


Under maintenance from 8:32 AM to 10:28 AM

  • Completed
    May 31, 2024 at 10:28 AM
    May 31, 2024 at 10:28 AM

    New Features and Enhancements


    • Integration of Teleprompter Feature into Video Recording Page: Added a teleprompter feature to enhance video recording capabilities.

    • [Teleprompter] Enable Text Input: Users can now input text directly into the teleprompter interface.

    • [Teleprompter] Dynamic Size Adjustment: The teleprompter window now adjusts dynamically in size.


    • [Expert Request] Checkbox Not Indicating When User Selects Any Expert: Fixed the issue where the checkbox was not indicating selection when users selected an expert.

    • [Request] Unable to proceed to select approvers when no tags are selected but select approver tab above is enabled and able to submit: Resolved the issue preventing users from proceeding without selecting tags.


    • Incomplete Video Feeds in Podcast Recordings: Addressed the issue of incomplete video feeds during podcast recordings.


    • Timestamp preview and actual video result does not match: Corrected the discrepancy between the timestamp preview and the actual video result.

    • Pressing "Enter/Return" on Keyboard Should Not Submit Comment but Open Next Bullet Point: Adjusted functionality to ensure pressing "Enter/Return" opens the next bullet point rather than submitting a comment.

    • Timecode Discrepancy in Proofing Timer and Media Card: Fixed the issue causing discrepancies in timecodes between the proofing timer and media card.


    • Add "PR Representative's Email" Field to Expert Profiles: Added a new field for PR representatives' email addresses in expert profiles.

    • Organization Admins should have the ability to delete comments from other users in their orgs: Organization admins now have the capability to delete comments made by other users within their organization.

    Editing Queue

    • Sorting on in editing tab is not in chronological order: Corrected the sorting issue in the editing tab to ensure it is in chronological order.

    • Submitted Date Incorrectly Updated to Today's Date Upon QC Rejection: Fixed the issue where the submitted date was incorrectly updated upon QC rejection.


    • [Course Builder] Incorrect Redirect After Deleting Course: Resolved incorrect redirects occurring after course deletion.

    Other Enhancements

    • Feature-Prod-Copy/Duplicate_Add copy a card / duplicate (so another edit can be created from it): Introduced a feature to copy or duplicate a card for creating additional edits.

    • [Profile] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Updated the button design across profiles for consistency.

    • [Browser Sessions] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Applied theme-consistent button design for browser sessions.

    • [Two-factor authentication] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Updated button design for two-factor authentication.

    • [Notification Center] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Notification center buttons now match the overall theme.

    • [Change Password] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Updated the change password button for consistency.

    • Lock header row on scroll please: Implemented a locked header row that remains visible during scrolling.

    • Open the attachment feature: Enhanced the user experience by allowing attachments to be opened more easily.

    • Error Occurs When Accessing Specific Link: Resolved access error for specific links.

    • Improve User Experience with unfilled inputs: Improved user experience by addressing issues with unfilled inputs.

    These updates aim to improve functionality, address existing issues, and enhance overall user experience. For any questions or further details, please contact the support team.

  • In progress
    May 31, 2024 at 9:25 AM
    In progress
    May 31, 2024 at 9:25 AM
    Maintenance is now in progress.
  • Planned
    May 31, 2024 at 8:32 AM
    May 31, 2024 at 8:32 AM

    Account of Scheduled Studio Application Updates


    • Integration of Teleprompter Feature into Video Recording Page: Users can now use a teleprompter while recording videos.

    • [Teleprompter] Enable Text Input: Allows text input directly into the teleprompter interface.

    • [Teleprompter] Dynamic Size Adjustment: Teleprompter window can now adjust its size dynamically.


    • No updates scheduled.


    • [Expert Request] Checkbox Not Indicating When User Selects Any Expert: Fixed issue with checkbox indication when selecting an expert.

    • [Request] Unable to proceed to select approvers when no tags are selected but select approver tab above is enabled and able to submit: Resolved issue preventing progression without selecting tags.


    • Incomplete Video Feeds in Podcast Recordings: Addressed issue with incomplete video feeds during podcast recordings.

    Podcastings (Conversations)

    • No updates scheduled.


    • Timestamp preview and actual video result does not match: Corrected discrepancies between timestamp previews and actual video results.

    • Pressing "Enter/Return" on Keyboard Should Not Submit Comment but Open Next Bullet Point: Adjusted functionality to prevent comments from being submitted unintentionally.

    • Timecode Discrepancy in Proofing Timer and Media Card: Fixed issues causing discrepancies in timecodes between the proofing timer and media card.


    • No updates scheduled.


    • Add "PR Representative's Email" Field to Expert Profiles: Added a field for PR representatives' email addresses in expert profiles.

    • Organization Admins should have the ability to delete comments from other users in their orgs: Organization admins now have the capability to delete comments made by other users within their organization.

    Editing Queue

    • Sorting on in editing tab is not in chronological order: Corrected sorting issue in the editing tab to ensure it is in chronological order.

    • Submitted Date Incorrectly Updated to Today's Date Upon QC Rejection: Fixed issue where the submitted date was incorrectly updated upon QC rejection.


    • [Course Builder] Incorrect Redirect After Deleting Course: Addressed incorrect redirects occurring after course deletion.

    Other Enhancements

    • [Profile] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Updated button design across profiles.

    • [Browser Sessions] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Applied theme-consistent button design.

    • [Two-factor authentication] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Updated button design for two-factor authentication.

    • [Notification Center] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Notification center buttons now match the overall theme.

    • [Change Password] Need to change the button design to match our theme, similar to the buttons we use for other elements: Change password button updated for consistency.

    • Lock header row on scroll please: Implemented a lock for the header row to remain visible during scrolling.

    • Open the attachment feature: Enhanced the user experience by allowing attachments to be opened more easily.

    • Error Occurs When Accessing Specific Link: Resolved access error for specific links.

    • Improve User Experience with unfilled inputs: Improved user experience by addressing issues with unfilled inputs.

    These updates are designed to enhance functionality, address existing issues, and improve overall user experience. For any questions or further details, please reach out to the support team.